
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mid-Century Modern to 21st Century Pop!

I've had this piece for quite some time now, and finally decided what I wanted to do with it.  Originally I thought I wanted to go with some bright colors, but since I'm going to sell it I had second thoughts.  

I wish I had taken more before pictures.  This one lonely picture doesn't really show how bad of shape this little gossip bench was in.  The cushion had burn holes.  The legs had rust on the tips.  And there were lots of scratches all over.  Anyway, here's the before.........

Mid-Century Modern Gossip Bench

I certainly had my challenges on this one!  I used a black acrylic enamel gloss and I've decided I won't be doing that again anytime soon.  Maybe once I get a sprayer and learn how to use it I'll try my hand again at shiny black paint.  It was just a very unforgiving paint with a brush. I had to add a third coat to get the look I wanted.  The next challenge for me was the cushion.  I ended up just stapling the fabric over a piece of foam instead of actually covering the foam.  I had some time constraints on getting this done, and I'm not a sewer.  So covering the foam would have been too stressful for me this go round.  I'll try my hand at that another time.  So here are some more pics of the final result......

In the store for sale.  My husband is selling the old phone, so I thought they looked cute together.

A little closer look.  I used Mod Podge over the material on the drawers.

I got the knobs at Michael's for $1 a piece.  I just love them!

One more look........

Thanks so much for stopping by!  I guess I better start taking down the Christmas decorations now.  See you soon!

Linking up to......

shabby creek cottage Photobucket

Furniture Feature Fridays
Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special


Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry and Bright

Wishing all of you a Very Merry and Bright Christmas!  Let's all take the time to remember the reason for the season............Jesus!


Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Drab to Fab with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

This little table wasn't just drab.  It was downright grungy!  I think it must have been a work table in it's previous "life".  I thought it would be a good project for me to give my first try with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint.  Yes, you heard me right, my first time using ASCP!  I finally have a stock paint store fairly close by now.

The chairs didn't come with the table.  But I thought they were a good match, with similar legs.  They were pretty grungy too.......

When I went to purchase my paint, I didn't have a specific project in mind yet.  I decided to pick up a couple of colors I'd heard mentioned frequently.  So I chose "Duck Egg Blue" and "Old White".  I also picked up a clear wax and a dark wax.  I used both colors and waxes on the table and chairs.  Here they are now looking "fab".  Well, I think so anyway.  You tell me what you think.

It felt good to complete a furniture project.  Since I've been traveling so much since October, I haven't been able to work on my projects.  I can't wait to try some more with ASCP!  Just as I've read many times, the dark wax was a bit of a challenge.  It might be too heavy handed for some tastes, but I'm hoping there will be someone out there that likes it enough to purchase it at the store.

Thanks so much for stopping by.  Be on the look out for my next project, when I reveal a makeover for the gossip bench I showed here when I first found it.

Linking up to:

Photobucket Photobucket shabby creek cottage

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Christmas Traditions and Updates

Since I started blogging in July, I have wanted to change up my decor with the seasons.  This is the first year I have ever decorated for Fall.  So needless to say, I really couldn't wait to decorate for Christmas!  After visiting all the wonderful blogs and viewing Pinterest, my head has been spinning with ideas.   I've used a combination of things collected over the years, and things I've picked up here and there at estate sales and half price bargain sales.  It has been a blast!  So come take a tour of what I've been up to........(Be warned, there are lots of pictures).

I stuck with tradition on my tree.  I just can't put up a tree without using all those precious ornaments we've collected over the years.  Maybe one year I'll start earlier and I can put up a separate themed tree somewhere.

I did pick up this new ribbon.  I was looking for a burlap one, but it was nowhere to be found.  I finally ran across this wire mesh at Jo-Ann's Fabric.  I love it!  I think it helps bring a cohesiveness to the whole look.

Here are some of those special ornaments I was talking about.  The two in the middle were made by my dad.  He took up cross stitch as a hobby in his latter years.

This next little vignette was put together with items I picked up for practically nothing at estate sales.  The only thing I purchased at the store is that mesh ribbon and berries around the deer's neck.  I got the greenery out of Lowe's dumpster by the Christmas trees.  I used the top of my china cabinet as my "mantel", since I don't have a fireplace.

I couldn't resist setting up a little book Christmas tree, since reading is one of my favorite things to do.  I set it up on a little stool I picked up for $3.

I decided to display Christmas cards across an old window I have hanging in my kitchen pass-through.

I showed my dining table in a previous post.  But I tweaked it a little, so I'm showing it again.

I splurged on these, but they were 40% off.

I think I paid $1 for these battery candles.  Love them.

OK.  I'm gonna stop here.  I hope you made it to the end of this long post!. Thank you so much for stopping by!  I hope you all have a Very Merry and Blessed Christmas!

Linking up to:
The Nester - Christmas Tour of Homes  

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special