
Monday, September 26, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

I want to thank Mandy over at The Project Queen for awarding me the Versatile Blogger Award!  As a fairly new blogger, I feel honored to be recognized by one of my blogging peers!  One of my favorite projects of Mandy's is this Vintage Blue Table Makeover.  Go check it out!

As a recipient of The Versatile Blogger Award, there are 3 rules to follow…
1.  Thank the person who awarded you.
2.  Tell 7 things about yourself that your readers may not know.
3.  Award 15 other bloggers with this award.

So, here I go........ (Thanks again Mandy!)

Seven Things About Me:

1.  I love Jesus and hope that my life brings Him glory!
2.  Both my husband and myself are native Floridians and have lived in Jacksonville all of our lives.  
3.  We have three grown sons, two of which are married.  So now we have a couple of daughters too!
4.  We have two grandsons ages 1 year and 2 1/2 years.  Guess our girls just come with marriage.
5.  I travel for my "real" job mostly in the Fall.  I'll be headed to Boulder, CO soon!
6.  I hope to replace above "real" job with selling my redone furniture and home decor.
7.  I'm not a very good housekeeper, which drives me crazy about myself.

Now for the 15 bloggers I wish to bestow this award too:

1.   Kim@A Brush of Whimsy
2.    Donna@Art is Beauty
3.    Rita@Curbside Creations
5.    Michael & Keeley@European Paint Finishes
6.    Courtney@French Country Cottage
7.    Donna@Funky Junk Interiors
10.  Lindsay@Living with Lindsay
11.  Lori@Lori...Lovin' Life
13.  Lisa@Recaptured Charm
14.  Korrie@Red Hen Home
15.  Debbie@Twice Nice

Congratulations to you all for the Versatile Blogger Award!  I hope you feel honored as I did.  If you haven't visited some of these great blogs, go take a look today!


  1. Oh, Jeanne! How fun. Thanks for the honor. I will certainly pass this on.

  2. Congratulations on the honor, you deserve it, I enjoy reading your blog.

  3. Jeanne, thank you so much for the compliment and recognition! I'm so glad you enjoy my blog!

  4. Aww, thank you so much! What a sweet honor. :)

  5. Thank-you so much! Your kudos is a major honour! And congrats to YOU!!

