
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Day 12 - Over and Out

Just a quick post to say that I have decided I cannot keep up with the 31 days of change challenge.  I am not usually a quitter, but this challenge is really just stressing me out.  I started my blog as an outlet to share my new endeavor with furniture and home decor makeovers.  Up to this point I have enjoyed blogging.  I guess I really should have picked a topic more along those lines. Since I was working out of town for the month of October, I knew I wouldn't be doing any makeovers.  That is why I ended up choosing the topic that I did. 

I apologize to those couple of people that have been following these posts.  Thank you so much for reading! 



  1. I will miss you, Jeanne!

    xoxo michele

  2. Jeanne I've only followed you for a short while, but I also understand...with a full time job it's sometimes difficult for me as well. You do beautiful work...posting once a week may work out better for you. Just follow your heart and do what makes you feel "perfectly imperfected" (smile)

  3. No need at all for apologies! It's a big undertaking, especially with so many other obligations! What you've written on the Proverbs so far is wonderful, definitely God's providence working through you. Have fun with your furniture and there's always next October for a different 31-day topic!
