
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 5 - Avoid Immorality

I will start off by telling you I feel lacking in what to expound upon for this chapter.  It is really instruction to sons to avoid immoral women.  Although I'm not gleaning anything to apply to me directly, I do think there is a lesson for both men and women to be learned.  For me as a mother and grandmother, I believe it is important to understand the strong temptation my sons and grandsons will be faced with and to teach them these principles to avoid immoral acts.  As a wife I need to understand the temptation my husband can be faced with and be attentive to him in every area.  This isn't to say that women can't be tempted in this area.  But, I think the way men are "wired", they are more likely to struggle with it.

I think that the importance of what is being taught is stressed by how many times he writes about listening with statements like, "pay attention", "listen carefully", "listen to me", and "never stray from what I am about to say".  He was probably speaking from the knowledge of how strong the physical can be at times and wanted to be real sure his sons got it.  Verses 8 - 14 tell of what utter ruin an immoral lifestyle will bring.  Verses 15 - 20 tell how men should "share their love only with their wife".  So the needs men have are not wrong or sinful.  But they should seek to have their needs met with their wife and no one else.  

I don't feel I've done any justice to this chapter, but I did want to stick to my commitment.  I hope you will come back another day.

Grace to you!

Linking to:
Nesting Place

1 comment:

  1. Very bold post, thanks for sticking to your commitment! I agree that as wives we are needed in LOTS of ways, and recognizing the humanity of our husbands and their actual needs (and ours) is just great. You did it lovingly. Best wishes to your sons and grandsons, and of course to you!

    posting P31 @ thelazyw.blogspot
