
Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 8 - Wisdom's Call

Let me give you fair warning, this is going to be a very short post.  Keeping up with this 31 days and working full time away from home is really catching up with me.  I also have a full day of work tomorrow.  So I need to hit the hay.  

I found it interesting that wisdom calls out to us.  Verse 1 states, "Listen as wisdom calls out!  Hear as understanding raises her voice!" If we would just listen, we would reap all of "her" benefits.  Here are some of those benefits as seen throughout the rest of the chapter:

 Common Sense
Wholesome and Good Advice
Good Judgement
Knowledge and Discernment
Insight and Strength

Of course there is much more to this chapter, but that's all I've got for you today.  


Linking up to:


  1. Sweet dreams! Cheers for posting in the midst of unusual schedules... The Bible stands alone anyway, thanks for pointing the way to some great verses!

  2. I think that's a great summary of this chapter! Funny, I too found day 8 to be tricky to get blogged and literally fell asleep while typing!
