
Sunday, October 16, 2011

My Sunday in Boulder

If you've stopped by for a visit recently, you probably already know that I am working out of town in Boulder, CO.  This place is gorgeous!  Here is the view I start with everyday from my hotel!

Today, I started the day going to church with a friend and coworker.  The service was quite different than anything I'm used to, but it was nice.  The church itself was so beautiful.  I wanted to take pictures so badly, but I didn't think it would be appreciated.  I did take a shot of the beauty around us on our walk from the car.  Here is just a glimpse of how beautiful it is around here!

After church we went out to lunch in downtown Boulder.  Again, just walking to our destination was breathtaking!

These pictures really don't capture the true beauty.  My iPhone is nice, but certainly not a top notch camera. 
I hope you got a feel for how lovely this place really is.  I wonder if the people who live here ever get over it.  Probably not!

I tweaked my blog using the logo my son created for me.  What do you think?

Thanks for stopping by.

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  1. Wow - just lovely! And I love it that you're enjoying it, not just letting it pass without noticing. Tell your son, "GOOD JOB" and congrats on having a sweet, smart kiddo.

  2. Hi Jeanne,
    Your photos are beautiful! What a wonderful place to be working. Another place I'd love to visit.
    Have a good day!

  3. Gorgeous photos! I love trees...the last photo is my favorite! I would love to visit Colorado this time of year (well, anytime of year, Have a good week!

  4. Magnificent photos!!! I love the colours of Autumn/Fall. 'Down Under' we are in the middle of Spring, so everything is in flower.

  5. You have a wonderful view, have a great week!

  6. Colorado is so beautiful! I was there in Sept a few years ago. I live in NC and we have great mountains and fall color too.

  7. That really looks like a nice place to visit. It should be getting pretty cold up there now if it's not already.
