
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 6 - Lessons for Daily Life

This chapter has lots of good advice for pitfalls to avoid in our daily lives.  Things like don't co-sign a loan for a friend or someone you hardly know (verses 1-3).  Don't be lazy (verses 6 - 11).  Avoid worthless and wicked people (verses 12 - 15) .  Avoid doing the seven things God hates 
(verses 16 - 19).  Don't be seduced (verses 24 - 26).  I'm going to address a couple of these a little further.

Verses 6 - 8 are probably some of the most familiar text in Proverbs.  "Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones.  Learn from their ways and be wise!  Even though they have no prince, governor, or ruler to make them work, they labor hard all summer, gathering food for the winter".(New Living Translation) Are we doing our best, even when no one is watching?  We must remember God is watching.  Work with Him in mind.  Colossians 3:23 states, "Work hard and cheerfully at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people".

I found verses 12 - 14 to be quite interesting.  They state, "Here is a description of worthless and wicked people:  They are constant liars, signaling their true intentions to their friends by making signs with their eyes and feet and fingers.  Their perverted hearts plot evil.  They stir up trouble constantly". (New Living Translation) This one kind of hit me between the eyes!  Now, mind you I don't constantly lie or plot evil and stir up trouble.  However, I have rolled my eyes or some such thing to convey my thoughts to others.  Since these actions are part of the description of worthless and wicked people, I intend to guard against it from now on!  

As usual, I hope you will go on to read the whole chapter for yourself and see what else God wants to speak to you.  

Thank you for stopping by.

In His Grip!

Linking up to:
Nesting Place


  1. Powerful words today! Loved every bit. The reminder to work as though we're working for the Lord and not man, that is clear and constant. Do your best even when no one is looking. xoxo I have my marching orders.
