
Monday, January 30, 2012

Simple Frame Makeovers

I'll keep this post short and sweet.  This is a very simple project.  Nothing spectacular.  But, I've decided I want to post more frequently, and not worry so much whether I get lots of visits to my blog.  Even though I'm a little slow on getting to major makeovers, I am trying to accomplish something.  So I figured I'd share my "baby steps" with you too.

My daughter in law had these frames and asked me if I could give them a makeover for her.

Sorry for the busy background.  I'd already started working on them before
 I thought to take pics.  See the clamp on the top right one?

OK, no rocket science here.  I painted them with a couple coats of Lowe's Antique White (right off the shelf).  Then distressed them with sandpaper.  Here's the result.  

Ready for delivery!
Like I said, "short and sweet".  Thanks for visiting and come back often!


Linking up to:
Debbiedoo's - Newbie Party
Mrs. Hines Class - Show and Tell
The Shady Porch - Rock n' Share

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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wine Bar or Desk?

I've been having a bit of a debate with myself on what to do with this unique piece we (my hubby and I) acquired at an auction a while back.  This is an old organ shell.  Isn't it cool!  Whatever I end up doing with this, I think it will be a one of kind piece.

Before I get started on that, I wanted to give a shout out to Randee at Randee's Organized Chaos.  She is hosting a linky party, Rant and Rave About My Blog, and it is an awesome idea.  Once you link up, she will assign two other bloggers to critique your blog for you.  She then forwards the information anonymously back to you.  She will give you two blogs to critique as well.  I took these critiques to heart, and changed some things up.  One blogger said that my title was lost in the pictures on my blog header.  The other one stated that my blog posting space was too small to show off my makeovers.  So I changed my blog header and enlarged my posting space and photos.  Mind you, both critiques had lots of positive lovely comments to encourage me too!  If you are interested in participating in Rant and Rave About My Blog, you can link up here within the next 10 days.  I highly recommend it!  Before you go link up, please help me with my dilemma.

Back to my debate.  We bid on this because we just thought it was so unusual.  However, we really had no idea what we wanted to do with it.  As we contemplated this, I thought a wine bar would be an unexpected up cycling.  I had it all planned out.  I would put a small wine rack on one side and a glass rack on the other.  Once you close the lid, it would just be a pretty piece you could treat almost like a mantel.  Then I started wondering if this idea would sell.  After all, I will be putting this in my space at the antique market.  So I started rethinking this idea.  My next thought was to turn it into a desk.  I could put some little slots and bins inside.  Maybe even a drawer. Here's a second look for you. 

So, here's where you all come in.  Help!  What do you bar or desk?  I would really appreciate your input.  I value the opinions of all you talented people out there!  Just leave a comment and let me know what you think.  You don't even have to elaborate if you don't want to.  You can just comment, "wine bar" or "desk".

Thank you so much for any feedback you can give me!!  

Linking up to:

Debbiedoo's - Newbie Monday
Miss Mustard Seed - Furniture Feature Friday

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Friday, January 20, 2012

Small Hutch Makeover

Well it feels good to be able to say I've completed another makeover project.  I've been in a bit of a slump when it comes to getting my furniture redos done. If you missed my post about this, you might want to check it out here.  Needless to say I was a bit overwhelmed with furniture literally to the ceiling!
So here's a quick before and after for you to start things off.

I definitely had some mishaps along the way.  I almost cried when the top of the paint can popped off as I was shaking it upside down as instructed.  I did manage to flip it up pretty quickly.  So, I'm thankful for that.

Yes.  It's Annie Sloan Chalk Paint!

I painted straight from my arm. :)

I was attempting to paint the back of the hutch in Duck Egg Blue.  I soon ran out of patience with the cutting in part of that process.  Thus, I dry brushed over it to hide my inadequacies.  Here was my first attempt.

The sides are Old White and the back was going to be Duck Egg Blue.

I also had a battle with the glass doors not closing properly.  I finally went and bought new latches and took care of that problem.

Now, back to the hutch.  I hope you stayed with me to see some more after pictures!  Here they are......

OK.  One more time. Before.....

And after......

Thanks so much for stopping by!  

Linking up to:
Alchemy Fine Living - From Trash To Treasure
Blissful and Domestic - Feature Friday Linky Party
French Country Cottage - Feathered Nest Friday
Homemaker on a Dime - Creative Blogger's Party & Hop
Miss Mustard Seed - Furniture Feature Friday
The Shady Porch - Rock 'N Share
2805 - Potpourri Friday

Monday, January 16, 2012

Winter Freshening

I got all the Christmas decorations put away and then set out to do a little Winter freshening up around the place.  I really wanted to incorporate some of the items I acquired at the auction I posted about here.  Please forgive my picture quality.  For now, my iPhone is my camera.  Hopefully that will change some time this year!  So here's what I came up with for the next little while.......

Everything but the books under the fan came from an estate sale or auction.

Just look at the table decor and not the toys from the grandchildren!

The scale and the rooster came from the New Year's auction.

I saw this idea recently and just loved it.  

Rust and white, old books, and a chippy stool....mmmmm.

Cute little wine cabinet my hubby got me.  There's another fan!

I had a couple of things I wanted to keep around after Christmas.  So I decided to just "unchristmasfy" them.  Do you like that word?  Here they are....

I just hung pictures instead of Christmas cards on my kitchen pass though window.

Removed the red berries and added the "K" on my burlap wreath.

A glimpse of our family room.  Lot's of livin' going on here.

Thanks so much for visiting today.  Blessings!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Too Authentic?

I'm not sure if I'll hit the publish button on this post or not.  I just need to write it and then see what happens.  You see I've been in a state of inertia when it comes to my projects and my blog for about two weeks now.  I think a lot of it comes from the fact that I don't know where to begin.  While I was working on the road this fall my husband acquired a lot of "stuff" for me to work on.  I literally didn't even have a space to do any work!  Just look.....

A spare bedroom, which should be an office/guest room

The wall color was chosen by my boys at the time.  We had a climbing wall in this room too.  Thus all the holes!

The garage.  This is supposed to be my work area.

I will say, we did rearrange things this weekend and made room in the garage for a small work area.  Today is Wednesday and I still haven't begun my next project.  I did clean a closet and reorganize my kitchen.  What's up with that?!  I need a kick in the pants to get going again.  Do any of you ever get in this kind of paralyzed state?  Any suggestions?  

I recently read a series on How to Grow Your Blog, beginning over at The Nester.  This series was hosted each day by some very successful bloggers.  I'm still trying to digest it all.  Day one talks about authenticity.  You know... be genuine, be real, be yourself.  I feel like I do that on a good day.  I guess I just avoid posting when I'm in a slump.  I don't want to be depressing to others, so I just quit posting.  Well that certainly won't get me anywhere, will it.  Thus, I decided to just write about what's really going on with me right now.  Too much?  Too authentic?  Oh well, something is better than nothing.  Right?  We'll see.


Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Eve Auction

First let me say, Happy New Year to all of you wonderful people!

The hubby and I had a great day ending 2011!  We went to estate sales in the morning, an auction in the afternoon, and out to dinner with one of our sons and his family in the evening.  As I'm writing this post, 2012 has arrived!  We're real party animals.  Can't you tell?!  

What I want to share with you tonight are our latest auction buys.  The majority of these things are just for me to use as decor for my home.  I'm still contemplating where each item will go.  I'll have to post about that after I've found a home for everything.  Anyway, without further ado, here are our items.....

I'm pretty sure this one will go on top of my china cabinet.  I actually bought a couple for my daughters-in-law as well.

I have no idea what I'll do with this!  I just thought it was cool.  Any ideas?

I love roosters!  He'll probably go on top of the china cabinet too.

Don't know yet.  But I love them!

Possibly on top of china cabinet too.  We'll see.

This next piece is an old organ case with lots of detailed carving.  I'll be doing a makeover on this one and probably end up selling it.  I already have an idea of what I will do with it.  I think you all will like it!  I'll try to get some better pictures for the makeover post.  I was just so excited to share my auction goodies and just snapped this in the garage this evening.

Well, I do still have to get up for church in the morning this morning, so I better end here.  Thank you so much for stopping by!

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