
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

New Friends, Old Friends, and Fun Finds

I just got back from a wonderful week with friends and family at our timeshare in Lake Lure, NC. When I realized that Penny from The Comforts of Home lived nearby, I contacted her about getting together.  This was my first meet with a blog friend!  It was great!  Penny told us about this great little tea room in Asheville, where we had lunch and did a little shopping.  From there she joined us at one of our favorite antique shops, The Tobacco Barn. I am so glad I got to meet her!

One of my dearest friends also happens to be the mother of one of my daughters in law.  The two of us had a great time spoiling our grandson for the week.  Here's Debbie giving Andrew a little ice cream.

Tommy and I ventured out one day on our own and I got a couple of pieces of Fiestaware to add to my collection.  I just love the colorful display of that stuff!

Well, that's all for now.  Thanks so much for coming by!


Linking Up to:

Debbie Doo's - Newbie Party

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  1. That's great that you got to meet Penny. I just met my first blog friend last is so nice to meet someone in person. :)

  2. I really enjoyed meeting you, your husband, Debbie and your daughter in law.

    Glad you found the other antique stores I told you about.

    Let me know if you are ever in the area again and you have time to meet up...

  3. Nice to meet you and welcome to blogging. Penny is a real nice friend to meet. Thanks for sharing with the newbie party. I actually saw her post and when I saw the picture of the two of you on my blog I said wait I have to come and meet you too!

  4. I bet you had a lot of fun meeting another blogger. I've met a few recently and it was great getting together with others who understand the bloggy lifestyle.

    I love your Fiestawre! Such a great find. (Newest follower)
