
Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award and Thanks!

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I was recently nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award from two ladies in as many days!  It's always nice to get a little recognition from your fellow bloggers. :)

First let me thank Maria Elena at Our Home Away From Home.  She has some beautiful house tour pictures and decorating ideas.

I wish I had such an elegant bathroom!

She has such soothing colors in her bedroom seating area.
Beautiful Tablescape!
Second, I'd like to thank ARod at Makin My Apartment My Home.  She has some cute before and after projects and thrifty finds on her site.

Here she jazzed up an old serving cart.
And here are some of those thrifty finds.

OK.  Here are the rules for the award:

1.  Thank the blogger who nominated you.
2.  Include a link to their site.
3.  Include award image on your post.
4.  Include award image on your blog site.
5.  Give 7 random facts about yourself.
6.  Nominate 15 other people for the award and tell why they were nominated.
7.  Include links to the site of bloggers nominated.
8.  Notify the bloggers you have nominated.

Items 1, 2, 3, & 4 - Done

7 Random Facts About Me

1.  I love Jesus and hope to be more like Him each day.
2.  I love to read.
3.  I dream of traveling to Europe -mainly Italy, Greece, Germany, & France.
4.  I hope to build a log cabin in the mountains to retire there with my hubby.
5.  I have struggled with my weight all my life. Lose...Gain...Lose...Gain... 
6.  My home is upside down more than right side up.
7.  I love going to auctions and estate sales with my husband.  It's like a date.

And Now for My Nominees

1.   Melissa @ daisy mae belle - Great variety of simple projects to try
2.   Connie @ Hartwood Roses - Beautiful pics, DIY projects, and Renovations 
3.   Michele @ The Great Read - Love of the Library and Great Book Reviews
4.   Angie @ Knick of Time Interiors - Inspiring Projects, Giveaways, & Parties
5.   Melissa @ Serendipity and Spice - Energetic and Inviting and Parties
6.   Kathy @ Cornerstone Confessions - Organization and Spiritual Gems
7.   Sharon @ Mrs. Hines' Class - Decorating, Cooking, DIY, & Very Encouraging 
8.   Tim & Allyson @ A Heart for the Home - Great Family Living Ideas
9.   Marie @ The (not always) Lazy W - Her Five Senses Tours are my favorite
10. Aimee @ Twigg Studios - Beautiful DIY Projects and Tutorials
11. Kristy @ 4 the Love of Wood - Great Furniture Makeovers
12. Becca @ Adventures in Decorating - Lives up to the name, Beautiful Pics
13. Dolly @ Dolly's Designs - Fun Craft Ideas and Tutorials
14. Peggy @ Crazy Thrifty Crafts - Thrifty Finds, Crafts, and Authentic
15. Laura @ Whimsical Perspective - Makeovers, Including an ASPC Kitchen 

Again, I am honored to have received this award.  Go visit these great blogs and leave a nice comment.

Now I'm off to notify the winners!



  1. Thank you so much I am honored.

  2. Jeanne, what a sweet compliment, and what a GREAT list of blogs for me to check out cool!! I adore wonderful home-nest-design blogs. Feel very honored to be in such good company! xoxo
