

Hi, I'm Jeanne and I've been happily married to that man in the picture(Tommy)for over 30 years. I'm a wife, mother, and grandmother.  And I have a pretty good life.  I've been painting furniture and things like my kitchen cabinets over the years, mostly because that's what I could afford. You know, buy old and fix it up.  Or keep what you've had for years and give it a face lift.  So now I've decided to try to make a little money doing what I enjoy.

The reason I picked the name Perfect Imperfections is really two fold.  I think the "imperfect" in older pieces I find is really perfect.  The older weathered and worn gives character to each piece, but they need a little help to be appealing in today's decor.   I perk up each piece with some color and various techniques to give them that worn look with a little pizazz!  The second and more important reason is that the name makes me think of how God uses us with all of our imperfections.  My friend Nancy stated it so eloquently in her blog, Nancy's Noodles at, when she wrote,  "We are imperfect people made perfect through Christ. 2 Corinthians says that God’s strength is evident in our weakness. We’re not supposed to be perfect. We’re just supposed to be available and God will do the rest."


  1. Thanks for stopping by my space and leaving a sweet comment. Had to come by and check out some of your projects too. You have some wonderful pieces on here! I especially love the last buffet in your before and after section...and I love that we both appreciate the perfectly imperfect in this DIY world!!!

  2. HI Jeanne
    Came to grab your button for our button exchange and I love your blog. Just wanted to say hello.
    Ruby :)
    Girlfriends Are Like Shoes
