
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Surprise Feature!

Just when I'm sitting here feeling sorry for myself, someone goes and does something nice. Sharon, over at Mrs. Hines Class featured my simple frame makeovers post.   What a surprise that was!  It's funny how you think something is really not worthy of posting, and then it gets featured!  I've been in a funk lately.  I mean a real, stopped in my tracks, can't do anything, kind of funk.  I can't seem to wrap my mind around completing a large project.  I think it might be connected to the hormones.  I'll get that checked out at the end of the month at my annual checkup.....I digress.    Anyway, I just wanted to thank Sharon for including me in her features this week.  I'm not sure anyone will actually read this post, but hopefully she sees it.  

Stay tuned for a furniture makeover in the near future!

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  1. I'm right there with you lately. In the "woe is me" mode myself and the same thing happened to me today. I got a note from another blogger that FB'd one of my posts. She made my day. I love it when things happen at just the right moment to give a lift to the day. Hoping my funk and yours go away soon:).


  2. Congratulations! Right about when you think no on is reading is when the traffic picks up. Just keep doing what you do! ~ Maureen

  3. congrats, jeanne, on your feature:) thank you for your sweet comments on my blog, too! i looked through your before and after projects and your paint finishes are awesome! have a great weekend!
