Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Shabby and Sleek

I have one last makeover project I can post about until I return home from my travels.  In case you haven't been by lately, I am in Boulder, Colorado for my work right now. (I live in Florida)  I'll be traveling until mid-November.  And even then I'm only home for two weeks before I head out one more time until December 9.  Currently I'm participating in the 31 Days of Change that I first read about over at Nesting Place.  If you would like to visit my 31 days postings, start here.

This makeover was done for a friend of mine.  Her prior roommate left this furniture behind for her to do with what she willed.  One person's trash is another person's treasure!  She contacted me about redoing these pieces to be more in her taste.  After we discussed her preferences, we decided to make them over similar to the coffee table redo I did in September, which you can see here.  She wanted the basic color contrasts to be the same as you'll see in the before photo.  So we decided to paint the darker parts dark and the lighter parts light, just like it already was.  She just wanted it to be shabbied up.  Is that a word?  Oh well, I'm making it one if it's not.

I actually made over a computer desk and dresser, but I forgot to get a before photo of the desk.  You'll get the gist of how it looked by seeing this before photo of the dresser.

Sleek lines and handles.

Now my friend has two new looking pieces of furniture for her guest room that are more to her taste.  Even with the more modern, sleek lines, I think they came out looking pretty nice.  It was certainly more cost effective for her than buying new furniture!  See what you think.

First, here's the dresser........

I had to fill in the extra holes since we switched from handles
to knobs.  The knobs were one's she got from her mom. (so free)

Next up, the desk.......

The drawer used to have the same handle as the dresser.
So same process.....holes filled and new knob put on.

Sorry my pictures are a bit blurry.  I guess I waited a little too late to take the shots.  It was do it then or have no pictures, because I left the next morning and the furniture has already been delivered.  Not to mention the fact that my camera is my iPhone.  Well, I guess I mentioned it didn't I? 

By the way, Spell Check confirmed that shabbied is not a word.  Oh well.

Thank you so much for stopping by.  Let me know what you think.


Linking up to......


Mandy said...

Jeanne-these turned out great! It's not easy making simple, more modern pIeces look shabby! Job well done. Safe travels!

Marie at the Lazy W said...

Now THAT is quite a transformation! Love the weathered look on a sleek, mid century shape. Well done!

Courtney said...

Nice job, they are now very unique!! Well done Jeanne!!

Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy said...

They are stunning! Love them!

Unknown said...

Love the way you created your weathered look. How many colors did you use?

Honey at 2805 said...

This is a very smart look you created with your weathered look! Great job!

Thanks so much for linking to Potpourri Friday. You participation is appreciated.

Debbiedoos said...

That is one fine looking makeover. You would never dream it was the same piece. Thanks for sharing with my newbie party.

Shenita @ Embellishments by SLR said...

Jeanne, I just saw your post on Debbiedoo's newbie party. What a great transformation!! You did a great job! I am a newbie, as well; and your newest follower. I hope you will follow me too! Many blessings to you!

Kammy's Korner said...

wow, that is gorgeous! Would be thrilled if you'd link this up to our first ever Trash to Treasure Tuesday link party on Kammy's Korner! This is something really unique - just what I'm looking for! I'd really appreciate it and I think so would everyone else. ;)

very merry vintage style said...

What a beautiful finish. Thanks for linking up to Share the Love Wednesday; hope you'll be back this week!

Traditions By The Seasons said...

Very nice, love the new look! XO ~Liz